this is the worst thanksgiving EVAR! i gots spanked by teh ban stick 4 about 7 days 4 posting to a tread dat had child pr0n in it [which was pretty hot if you ask me] (NO PEDO!)
so making an entry about it. im also making it to post some of my shitty art.
just post a homosexual comment and i will include you in the picture (i will draw you any way i feel like it, so no bitchin about it. sound good? no? i dont give a fuck)
age, sex and race with every comment (so i can take advantage of any stereotype and shiz)
-------------------------end of retarded rant, start of retarded comments-------------------------
Nov 22, 2007 - African American Friday is tomorrow, and i will be totally hittin the mall to like buy some clothes :3 (nah, im getting the orange box, digital frames, flash drives, memory cards, and a brand new desktop for only 200 burr!!!)
Nov 25, 2007 - i started playing team fortress 2 today, and im hooked! i cant stop playing it. i like all the players you get to choose, but i like heavy the most. slow, but packs a shit load of ammo. only downside is that its killing my study time :(
Nov 25, 2007 - i finished drawing me as an fbi (or whatever) agent. i just have flash so there's not that much detail.
Nov 28, 2007 - i drewed moar; cant stop playing TM2. does anyone else have it? it only costs 50 bucks for five games, but i got it for 25 on black friday.
Nov 29, 2007 - moar; the alien is narf, im the fbi dude and sprint is the gorilla :3
Dec 02, 2007 - i havent been going to ng for a while cuz i cant get off of playing my orange box games. i just finished portal, and it kicked ass! (the cake is not a lie by the way)
Dec 05, 2007 - drew more. i dont know whats up with this computer, but it cuts off some of the image if i raise the dpi...
Dec 07, 2007 - i just realized that i am 17, i signed up on 7/17/07 AND i posted this on dec 7, 2007!
Dec 30, 2007 - if you havent noticed by now, i gave up on this thing because of team fortress 2.
Age= Elevindy billion , sex= yes please , race= alien
YAY you got 7 days to get your Diety whistle :P I just started working my whistle lol, damn that sounded wrong.
Now show me some damn art bitch! I mean American mutha ... i mean hi XD
ima go all MIB on yo ass!